My Two Cents on the Helldivers 2 PSN Drama

Updated: May 4, 2024
Category: Helldivers 2

For my dudes and dudettes who have spent the last few days under a rock, Arrowhead Studios announced the other day that Linking a PlayStation Network Account to Steam will be mandatory to continue playing the game from June 4, 2024.

Helldivers 2 PSN account linking update

As you can imagine this has caused quite a bit of uproar in the community and Helldivers have made sure that their displeasure is heard on the official discord and reviews section of Helldivers Steam Store page.

As of the point of making this article, Helldivers 2 went from a Very Positive to Mostly Negative review score and it seems to be tanking even further.

Now I have almost 200 hours in and if they proceed with making a PSN account mandatory I will have to say goodbye to one of the best games I’ve played in a few years.

Why? I will let you know my reasons at the end. 

First I want to go through the most common argument made by people who don’t mind doing this and community managers of the game who think the rest of us are acting like babies and stirring up a storm over something that takes you 3 seconds to do.

After I will explain why people actually have a problem with this, here we go.

“It will only take you a few seconds to do it”

Spitz Community Manager Helldivers psn drama

This is just an attempt to appeal to triviality and it’s a strawman at the same time.

People who use this line of argumentation are trying to misrepresent people who have a problem with this as “babies” who can’t even take a second of their day to do something that the game specified you will have to do from the start. 

To give the Devil his due so to say it was stated from the beginning in the TOS and the Steam Store Page of the game that third-party account linking is required to play the game. This has been confirmed 100% by using a way-back machine.

People who dislike the reaction community have rightfully pointed it out. 

Let’s be honest guys, nobody reads that shit. We should, but we don’t.

And you can go “AHA! Got you, case closed” but while I agree people (including me) should take better care about what they are signing themselves into I still think it’s not as simple as that which brings me to my first point.

Enforce TOS from the start

Maybe many of you are like me. You skipped reading TOS and you got a game a bit later when the team decided to stop enforcing mandatory PSN accounts. 

And now you are 100 hours or more in the game and this bomb drops on your head and leaves you stuck. 

You are way past the point of being able to refund the game and you do not want to make a PSN account that you will never use because you have no intention of buying PlayStation. 

What does that mean? That you will lose all access to the product you paid money for.

So my point is this. They should have enforced TOS from the start so 90% of us who don’t read TOS and missed the sticker on the Steam Page can refund the game.

Your information is not safe with Sony

Part of the propaganda on why this is being done is “to ensure your safety and security”

Is that so?

Helldivers PSN data leaks

Did you see that message above Being spammed on Discord? 

It’s all true. Sony is notoriously bad at protecting your data.

What makes this even worse is that in some countries they require you to upload a picture of your official government ID or do a facial scan.

I sure as hell don’t want a corporation like this to have any of that data.

And for those people making an argument that everyone sells your data, you are right. 

To that, I have to say this tho. If you are going to rob me, at least have the decency to do it behind my back during the cover of the night. 

Don’t stand in front of me and steal my shit while telling me it’s for my security and safety. 

That just rubs me in all the wrong ways.

There is no option to make a PSN account in some countries

Helldivers 2 Countries without PSN access

Yeah just look at that list.

There have been plenty of players asking what will happen to their game because they don’t even have the option to create a PSN account in their countries.

Well, even ArrowHead doesn’t know. Apparently, they are working it out with Sony.

Super reassuring guys.

I saw some smarty pants telling people to lie about their home Country or use a VPN.

The problem with that is if it’s ever detected you did that it will result in an instant perma-ban.

In my opinion, these people should get auto-refunded from Steam regardless of their playtime.

Final point

With all of that said here is my personal reason I don’t want to do it.

The reason this is being done is because the game got popular and now some Dickhead Suit in Sony can show the investors their new influx of new PSN accounts.

And my dudes and dudettes I honestly don’t want to spend a millisecond of my time to accommodate something like that. 

Helldivers 2 is fun but there are other games.

And trust me if on the day this gets implemented, if all other Helldivers say goodbye and Cya never, on the next day we would get a transmission of apology from both Arrowhead and Sony. 

Magically this would no longer be mandatory and they would find a way to take care of your “security and safety” some other way

Until then farewell Super Earth, it’s been fun.

Yugo Wolf

Yugo Wolf

I play video games ... Sometimes I make content about said video games ... That's about it.


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