15 Best BG3 Mods (Our Favorite Baldur’s Gate Mods)

Updated: April 8, 2024

Today we’ll take a closer look at the best BG3 mods, at least in my opinion. For most RPG lovers, this game needs no introduction. But, if you’ve been hiding in a cave for the last few months, sobbing and pleading to the heavens for an amazing new game, Larian Studios has you covered.

For those of you, like me, who already have a few BG3 playthroughs under their belt, picture this: the ability to enhance everything from armor, classes, and character appearance. 

You could also add completely new stuff. For example, the ability to change the appearance of your gear and bring new races into the game. 

Well, the modders, as usual, have created all of this, and more. Here are a few of the best Baldur’s Gate 3 mods that we used in our playthroughs. They’re gonna put a new coat of paint on the game and make your next run more fun.

How to install BG3 mods

Guys, a word of caution before we get started. You are downloading third-party software, so you should somewhat know what you’re doing. 

While we never had problems, at worst you might download malware. At best you will break your game and have to reinstall it again. The responsibility rests entirely with you, should you choose to do this.

Thankfully modding Baldur’s Gate 3 should be pretty straightforward. Usually, it involves downloading the mod as a zip from the page using this launcher to install it. Then, you simply export the list into the game.

Weapon and armor BG3 mods

Picking out the perfect outfit for adventuring through the Underdark or attending a high-stakes Githyanki soirée? Look no further. These BG3 mods ensure your warrior will turn heads, whether you’re angling for a compliment from your companions or just want to look sharp for that special someone in your party.

Remember, in Baldur’s Gate 3, fashion could very well be your deadliest weapon. Forget about practicality; who cares if that new armor set offers little protection? Your real goal is to win the heart of your latest romance option, or at least make them think twice about that snide comment they were going to make.

1. Basket full of equipment

Download link: Nexus Mods

Basket full of equipment BG3 mods

This Bahamut of a mod adds around 400 new armor pieces with female characters winning in the amount they can use… sorry boyz and gurls. There are also a few weapons and a nice necklace that let you summon the containers, with all the stuff added by a mod with a nice simple spell that you can use anytime, anywhere.

This mod is a must-have and no wonder it’s one the most downloaded out of all the categories of best BG3 mods.

2. All items

Download link: Nexus Mods

All Items - Best BG3 mods for equipment

Have you ever had that one amazing item that drops in Act 3 at the end? You only get a few hours with it, and it makes you a sad cat. With this mod, when you hit the wilderness camp for the first time, you’ll find a box with 90% of the game’s items. This means you can be a happy cat from the beginning.

3. Modular equipment

Download link: Nexus Mods

Modular equipment Baldur's Gate 3 mods

These armor pieces have a “Witcher” flair. If you’re a Ciri fan and want to recreate her iconic look, this mod is for you.

4. Extra gear

Download link: Nexus Mods

Extra Gear BG3 mods

This mod is a combination of a few armor sets in the game made into completely new awesome-looking armor sets. It’s amazing how this BG3 mod author blended these pieces. They look like they were shipped by the game developers themselves.

5. Loviatar’s claws (and everything else)

Download link: Nexus Mods

Loviatar's Claws BG3 mods

The mod author “dicombobulateddisc” has produced a couple of Baldur’s Gate 3 mods. Hi-heels is one of them. They might not be lore friendly. However, this is some high-quality work. After checking the one we picked, you should click on his page and see if there is anything else you like.

Character customization BG3 mods

Ever look at your character and think, “If only I could tweak that nose, or maybe add a scar here to tell a story?” Well, buckle up, buttercup, because the customization train is leaving the station, and you’re on it.

With these BG3 mods, you’re not just playing Baldur’s Gate 3; you’re directing your own fantasy epic, and able to fully transpose yourself into the game if you so wish. Because who doesn’t want to be a straight white human male in a world full of tieflings? Whether you’re into subtle changes or complete overhauls, prepare to meet your dream avatar.

6. Tav Hair Salon

Download link: Nexus Mods

Tav's Hair Salon hair - Best BG3 mods

Do you like the hair options in this game ? How about adding around 50 new ones for both males and female characters? People this mod is on the front page for a reason, get it now, you won’t be sorry.

7. New Character Creation Presets WIP

Download link: Nexus Mods

New Character Creation Best BG3 Mods
Caption: This character was made by one of our writers with the New Character Creation Presets mod

The only thing I found lacking in Baldur’s Gate 3 character creation was the face options.There are only a few of them and you can’t customize them at all to your liking.This mod fixes that. It brings a SHIT-TON (yes, that is a number, and you can’t convince me otherwise) of new faces for both male and female characters.

8. Eyes Of The Beholder

Download link: Nexus Mods

Eyes of the Beholder Mod for BG3

Same as the previous mod we got another SHIT-TON situation right here as well. 

This time it’s not faces but the eyes. Glowy eyes, weird pupil eyes, tons of colors.

Go get it, get it now…Leave a nice comment on the mod authors page.

9. Half Orc Smooth Skin

Download link: Nexus Mods

Half Orc Smooth Skin mod BG3

Ever wanted to play an orc and not look like a shriveled ball sack when you take off your clothes? This mod has you covered. Simple one for all of you Axe-Wielding Barbarians.

10. Tav‘s Dad Bod

Download link: Nexus Mods

Dadbod BG3 Mod
Caption: this is a screenshot of your lovely author

This is one of my favorite mods and the reason I started a new playthrough, roleplaying as fat Thor down on his luck. 

This mod turns a Strong Body Type into, you guessed it, a DadBood

Pair this with a Stormbraker and Mjolnir mod and u got yourself a new run as the god of thunder.

Quality of life BG3 mods

11. Transmog Enhanced

Download link: Nexus Mods

Transmog Enhanced mod

Baldur’s Gate 3 has one cardinal sin: the lack of “transmog”. It’s the big flaw that keeps it at a score of 10 out of 10 instead of 11 out of 10. For those who never played WoW, transmog is the ability to change the look of your gear into another piece of gear, without losing the item stats. This mod has you covered.

No more looking like a clown just so you can be as powerful as possible.

12. Appearance Edit Enhaced

Download link: Nexus Mods

Appearance Edit Enhanced - Best BG3 mods

Larian listened to the feedback. They heard that we want to change our character’s appearance in-game. This mod will just enhance that.Now, when you look at the magic mirror, you will be able to change your body type and race. You can even edit origin characters to some extent.

13. Camp Event Notifications

Download link: Nexus Mods

Camp Quest log - Best BG3 mods

If you don’t rest enough, you might miss some camp events. There’s a point in the game where some events stop showing up.

This mod will put a floating exclamation mark above your main character’s head. It will do this when you have camp events pending. You will never miss another one ever again.

14. WASD movement

Download link: Nexus Mods

WASD movement mod for Baldur's Gate 3

Do I need to explain more? Tired of clicking the mouse to move? This mod lets you use your directional keys to move your character. It also includes improved mouselook and the ability to toggle between jogging and walking. Simple and effective.

15. Native camera tweaks

Download link: Nexus Mods

Native Camera tweaks Baldur's Gate 3 mod

This mod expands on camera limits so you can look at this beautiful game from a whole different angle.

Some features in this mod include: override zoom limits, override camera FOV, camera speed modifiers, and much more.

If you want to expand what you can do with the camera in this game this mod is a must.

Wrapping up

So, there we have it, folks— the best BG3 mods (at least according to us) that are sure to spice up your next playthrough. From turning your warrior into a walking fashion statement to reimagining the very essence of your characters, these mods are your tickets to a personalized adventure across the Forgotten Realms.

Have we missed any mods? What are the best Baldur’s Gate 3 mods according to you?

Yugo Wolf

Yugo Wolf

I play video games ... Sometimes I make content about said video games ... That's about it.


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